The Girls’ Education Challenge provided a unique and comprehensive resource for understanding how to overcome the factors which hinder the learning of disadvantaged girls.
This learning is being shared to improve the delivery of girls’ education and to influence policy, practice and resource allocation. It has been made access through a variety of products and resources – from reports and tools, to blogs and interviews – to reach as wide an audience as possible in the girls’ education sector and beyond.
Portfolio in Practice: Practical guidance on effective ways to drive performance across a complex and diverse portfolio of projects
Learning Briefs: A synthesis of learning from GEC interventions and approaches that have been successful in supporting improvements in girls’ education
GEC Learning Digest: Quarterly round up of GEC learning covering recent events, webinars, reports and blogs
Evaluations: Independent Evaluator studies and baseline, midline and endline evaluations of GEC projects
Thematic review: Deep dive into an issue or approach, based on research and lessons from GEC projects
Tools and guidance: Practical advice, including case studies, usable frameworks and protocols
Country briefings: Updates from GEC countries on project activities, achievements and lessons learned
Lessons from the field: Short, themed reports based on GEC project activities and experiences
Independent evaluations
A number of independent evaluations can be found in the resource section: here
You can also access independent evaluations of the first phase of the GEC on the UK government website: